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   Throught the years, we keep hearing more and more things about teenagers and what a difficult stage of life it is. but hat we have never thought about, is if its the difficult because of society or is just simply the way it is. Lets start by analyzing some interesting things in our lifes, yes OUR lifes, I am a teenager too, and I think that my opinion as a teenager would be more valid than any other adults or children. In the following paragraphs you are going to hear

you the opinion of a teen, me, on the topic. By this trying to make others understand and try to be comprehensive with this topic.


   Dont you think that the main reason why this stage of life is difficult is because of society? Why not? We are always thinking about "what would people think", "what will others say", therefore we are always hiding our problems. This makes it worse, since we hold back all of our anxiety making it worse only to ourselves. We dont realize that other people are also there to listen without judging you, but to adive and support you.   On the other hand, we are always finding someone to blame our mistakes on, hearting others and damaging their reputation. We dont take mature decisions and when problems come we are not able to solve them as well as we are supposed to. Thats when consecuences begin and we say that is because life is just hard, but we dont realize that we are the ones who made them come. 


    For conclusion, eventhough teenager is a hard stage of life, we need to learn how to live this stage in the most appropiate way. Its a great stage of life that we need to take as it comes, enjoy, have friends, etc. Of course without abandoning our school duties, because our future depends on which decisions we make as teenagers, in the future you wont be able to change the decisions you made once, but right now is the time for wise decisions.





Life is just beautiful, it’s a great privilege that we all have, if we learn how to live and if we are able to succeed and have a great future. There are some hard moments but there are also some cool moments in which you will have fun, without mentioning how you need to learn when is the appropriate time to laugh or either to cry. Those moments which now may seem fun, at the moment were horribly embarrasing, for example when you were embarrassed when something happened to you a few years ago and you cried as much as you could because you were scared of what others might say. Now they´re moments that you will never forget and that you will remember with laughter. Once they made you cry but today you realize that they have been the best experiences you have had in your life.


Whenever I remember the sportive games in Pereira in fifth grade, I can´t do anything but laugh. That might be one of the most embarrasing stories in my life. I was paired up with a friend of mine in the hotel bedroom. We all had a great time, though sometimes the coexistence was very hard because we were such little girls and also very disorganized. One day we had to woke up at 5:00 and shower fast so that both of us were rary on time. I showered first, when I walked out the bedroom I saw my friend, Natalia in the bedroom organizing everything so that she could be next. I was all covered with my towel but I realize that all of her mess, clothes, shoes, was on my bed. I got very angry and started yelling at her without realizing how my towel fell to the floor. I was all naked in front of her and yelling at her. When she told me I didn’t want to listen to her I was very angry, but then I was cold and I started laughing but I was very embarrassed. That’s a story I will never forgot neither will she. When we are together, we talk about this and have a great time remembering that awkward moment.


I have had such lots of embarrasing moments in my life. Once I was with my father at Centro ComercialFundadores in El Exito and we were having such a great time eating salad. Unconsciously I burped; I thought it will be a normal burp, silent and that only my father and I will listen at it. No, it was the loudest burp in the history of burps, I went completely red and embarrassed everyone was staring at me and surprised of what jus had happen. My dad couldn’t stop laughing, though he was a little embarrassed. I cover all my face and started laughing. We will never forget this story. For conclusion, I think that these are the moment that we remember the most in our life, therefore we need to live them and enjoy each day as it comes.






Have you ever been embarrased in your life?

My Resolutions for 2014


If you had 100,000 to spend and you couldn't spend it in your friends or family or neither you what would you spend it in?



     I know sometimes we prefer to spend money on ourselves, maybe our family or friends, but is that really happiness? Why don't we spend money on those who really need it? Those who suffer hunger, those who don't have enough resources to survive but day by day have to deal with a bunch of difficult situations. Maybe many of the ones who are reading this blog will judge or maybe not but ifI were to choose with who will I spend my. Indy I will definitely choose those who really need it because the way of given is worth more than the give itself.




      For example, The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that nearly 870 million people of the 7.1 billion people in the world, or one in eight, were suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2010-2012. What about children? Children are the most visible victims of under nutrition. Children who are poorly nourished suffer up to 160 days of illness each year. Poor nutrition plays a role in at least half of the 10.9 million child deaths each year--five million deaths.



      For conclusion, when we realize how people are suffering all around the world, we are able to open our hearts and our mind. Since today nobody does that or not even bothers to research the situation nor cares about the situation, is why the world is as it is. We all should try to have knowledge of the situation so that we all can help for others benefit and even for our own. We should think that maybe one day that person that suffers a lot can be you and you will grateful with those who help you. 

Love should be blind to family differeences.

Love is one of the mos t beautiful things in life, but it can also be a nightmare. Though we dont want to suffer in love we always do and we are always looking for someone to lve. Sometimes the person that is with us may not be the right one. But if that person is the right one, that story might be one of the most beautiful in life, everything goes on how mature you and your pair is so that you can surpass such any situation together. I know that it might sound sad but sometimes families are responsible of love endings. Sadly most of the times we let this occur.


Everybody has different ways of life. They can do such different things even from what food they like eating till their way of managing money. Some might like going to the beach on Fridays, some might like it on Saturdays, others may not even like going to the beach. Some may think to buy clothes is more important than having a great education or some may not. There are lot of different ways of life. When it comes to love this small differences may become huge obstacles for the relation, causing this love story to end or maybe to become stronger.


We cant let this to keep going, to let others relations be destroyed because of family differences. Sometimes it can be hard and you might think that everything is over. You are wrong that doesnt depend on them, neither on your differences, instead those differences have to make you stronger. Make you understand better with your partner and this way you can be together for a long time, if possible, until dead. You will find out how much you love a person when those problems make you stronger, so does your love. Lets be blind to family differences, lets believe in pure love.




What has been your favorite activity at school so far?

Along our years at school we have had lots of different and incredible experiences. Since we were only 7 years old we went to Super, a great and important factory at our city. Since then, we have been into many places together, this way learning more about each other, meeting new people, growing as humans and taking others life experiences as an example for our lifes. We are only in ninth grade and we are still missing three years to enjoy and have fun with each other.


If I were to choose my favorite activity in our school, up to now, I will have to say CISV Camp. It has been one of the most incredible experiences in my life. I didnt have the opportunity to be with all of my classmates since it was a camp but I coukd stay with my best friend Juan Manuel Llanos and with Isabella, an eight grader. We couldnt talk with our other friends, neither our family during 15 days. At the begining it was very difficult but then we all became a hole, a group, a community and a family. I wish this  days could happen again.


In conclusion, I think sometimes we forget how some different activities can be fun and strengthen us as individuals. We need to learn from each other, be always together and continue living all of this incredible moments that we all have lived together. CISV  was for me one of the most incredible experiences maybe for you not but at least you lived it and you will never regret the fact of letting the opportunity of this experiences to happen unperceived.


If you get in a fight with one of your friends, who is the first to make amends (try to fix the friendship or apologize)?Why?

All of us have those friendships that last only a few days or just a year. But we also have those amazing friendships that last for lots of years, maybe 6, maybe 7 or maybe your entire life. This friendships are the ones that really worth it. You will always know who is a good friend or a bad friend. The ones that will be there for you or the ones that will leave you alone when things get hard. What if you fight? Will your "best friend# leave you alone or will he or she stay with you?


I´ve had a long and beautiful friendship with Juanita Zapata and Luisa Herrera. We have been friends since we where in sixth grade, almost four years. Since then we have always been together no matter the situation. Actually we almost never fight. I canr really remember a fight in where we stop talking or started getting apart from each other. If this was to happen I know that who ever made the mistake will excuse or will do the best to solve the problems we had. I know that sometimes we are very proud and we dont hear others. But in this situations we need to make an exception. I rather losing my arrogance than my true and best friends.


In conclusion, I think that is very important to learn from each other. We will never stop meeting people and learningnew things from them. You have to be prepared for everything in life. Just make sure that when you really lose the ones you love is for something that has no solution. Make sure that as it lasts you give the best of you and really play an important role in others life.


       I think that I am a very fun person that you can laugh with, I am always laughing no matter what the situation is. I think that those are the moments that we will remeber forever. Nothing good can come out of being a serious person and having a bitter attitude. This can only take bad things in life, your loneliness, sadness, you might not have lots of friends, and stay like this for the rest of your life. Believe me to laugh is one of the most incredible feelings that can exist on Earth.


      If I were to say what makes me laugh, I will never finish. There are lots of things to list. Sometimes I laugh  just because, with any reason or if I fall or someone else does. Sometimes I also remember good experiences and I start lauging in the most random places. Ive had to contain myself in many ocations. For example, when we have some meetings at school and something sound fun to me, or when my parents are discusing with me and I find the situation very insignificant and impartial. To summarize I laugh for almost everything and is something that I love from me.



   For conclusion, live life. Have fun, meet new people and never supress a laugh. Enjoy the company of those who you love and really love you. We all know that there will be a time when they will not be with us, but if we know how to live while they are with us, we will never regret anything and we will always remember those people with love and happiness. Remember that you need to laugh also from yourself if you dont, who will? 











Many people might think that to right a blues song or any song you only have to think of a bunch of words and start writing whatever comes to your mind, but they are completely wrong. I am a music lover and though today is very difficult for other people to support artistic people, those who are different, who think in another way, who love seeing the little details of the world that anyone sees, I will have to say that is one of the most honest and complex jobs in the world. Is not only putting words in a paper and find any rhythm and sing them. Is more than that, is having the inspiration, the capacity and ability to be able to change everyone´s point of view. To transmit passion, feeling by a song, to be able to heal others anger or to make people show their anger.


All of us have different styles, different perceptions of life, different ideologies. But we all love music; I haven’t know the one person in my fifteen years of life that will say he doesn’t love music.  Music is everything, is happiness, sorrow, sadness, madness, peace, and freedom. The best of all is that it comes in all the genres we can imagine. Is for everyone, adults, children, teenagers, even the pope listens to music! The next time you hear any song of blues or any other genre believe there´s a story hided in it and be watchful to see the ability of connection you will have to it if you listen carefully. 



Country blues is also known as rural blue, folks blues, downhome blues or backwoods blues. It´s main instruments are the harmonic and the guitar.  Blues was born in the Southern United States in the earliest 20th century, then it quickly spread in lots of different parts and regions including: Chicago, Detroit, Texas, Louisiana, St. Louis and others (Matheis). The blues grew up in Mississippi Delta, near to New Orleans, the birthplace of jazz (Kopp).  This genre is very interesting because it incorporates rural gospel, ragtime, hillbilly, and jazz in it. It is the pure, ethereal, original music from the African Americans that originated in the Southern United States in 1920’s and 1930’s (Matheis). Its inventors were slaves, ex-slaves and descendants of slaves (Kopp). Blues are characterized because of its themes. Lyrics often deal with misfortune, betrayal, regret, overcoming hard luck, saying what you feel or simply having fun (Kopp). Today people from different countries and continents play it worldwide. Luckily for the genre, today are still more than 500 musicians that still actively performing the blues (Matheis). This helps this type of music to keep alive, progress and stay vibrant. On the other hand, we have a very different story when talking about women, they were able to do the unexpected and mark the difference long time before in this genre. Thanks to Rory Rock, Mary Flower, Valerie June, Emily Druce and others this genre was able to be created and to mark history in everyone all around the world (Matheis). Finally this genre has been endangered of extinction because people don’t appreciate it as much luckily in Europe, increasingly in Asia, such as in Japan and even in Pakistan are still playing this kind of music (Matheis). Today we need to understand the importance of this genre and how many stories are hidden in blues.


"Matheis, Frank and Country Blues." The Country Blues. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.

Kopp, Ed. "A Brief History of the Blues." All About Jazz. N.p., 16 Aug. 2005. Web. 15 Oct. 2014.

Soy un título. Haz doble clic para editarme.


        Last year was very tough for my family, we had to surpass, economic, social, and labor issues. Despite what people might think, my family isn't very united, although it is more united now than how it was in 2014. In the past years we used to spend time together in December. We used to go to farms, to cities, to water parks, and to other places. Everyone got anxious for presents and natilla and buñuelo. Also, we used to travel together to other places and have fun with each other, but sadly,last year was very different. I guess it was because my great grandmother wasn't here unite us as before. Although all this happened, we still had a lot of fun times last year..


       For starters, last year was my fifteenth birthday, and because it is custom, I went with my best friends to an awesome trip to Cancun and Panama. I remember that we all enjoyed a lot the trip, we went to lots of places like Chichen Itza, a place were the indigenous used to live, it has a enormous pyramid. Also to Wet'n Wild, an incredible water park. I also remember that our hotel was very cool, it had an awesome view to the beach and we could eat whatever we wanted to. In panama, the hotel was a thousand times better, Hard Rock, it was a building with 25 floors. It had a pool in the 18 th floor, Luisa, Juanita and I were always there, besides we were able to see Panama canal and a giant ship coming inside. It was a great trip, we went to night clubs such as, Mr.Frogs, Coco Bongo, Holidays, and others. We also made friends there, and learned to be more independent. I remember this experience a lot and we enjoyed both places very much.


          To conclude, this has been one of the best trips of my life, I believe is not always because of the place you are going but with who you go.This trip was just awesome, because it is very different to travel with your family compared to a trip with your friends. Although in both you have a lot of fun, is very different. I would love to go back to both places and spend more time with my friends. I hope someday we do. 

Soy We all know how the crucible is a very important Act known in a lot of different countries. It shows us how a long time ago people where threated and judged of being something that they weren’t. In this time everything was related to religion for example education, how they needed to act, think, talk, etc. Therefore we are able to note that al that happened in this book shows the reality of society conflicts in that time. That’s why we are able to say that this is obviously a satire in which, as in every satire, a society is criticized and of course, this kind of satire is not meant to be funny, instead is constantly showing differences, between the society and the individual, personal sacrifice, conformity, good vs. evil, jealousy, lies, intolerance, religion, justice and judgment, therefore we are abler to say that this is obviously a juvenalian satire. On the other hand, if we were going to say at the end of the story who is the real hero we will say of course that is Proctor but we don’t even realize that he is one of the people that suffers the most in the story, as we discussed before, he is evidently a tragic hero. He has to surpass lots of difficulties, such as knowing the sin he committed by being unfaithful to his wife with Abigail, another is being guilty of his wife Elizabeth of being accused, also knowing how a person that he has always trust lies and accused him as Mary Warren does. This are only some of all of the things that Proctor has to be expose to, he is one of the most vulnerable characters in the story and at the end he has a very tragic death, he definitely rather keeping his name as everyone knows he is, a gentlemen, a  fair man, a good man and not lying for his life. All of the things Proctor has to deal with prove that he was definitely the tragic hero. Finally, sometimes we aren’t able to realize the sacrifice other people do for us and when is too late is when we do.


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